Saving Cattle + Water Buffalo ไถ่ชีวิตโคกระบือ เพื่อธนาคารโค-กระบือเพื่อเกษตรกร ตามพระราชดำริ

After a series of doing my own research, I was able to save one heifer and one water buffalo from a slaughterhouse to be released to the Royal Cattle-Buffalo Bank for Farmers which was founded by the late King Rama 9 to help farmers in poverty-ridden provinces save farming costs.

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The Hidden Treasures of Ayutthaya

I'm in the ancient capital of Ayutthaya again. This time, following the trail of a friend, a sweet-toothed me found myself climbing the famous Prang of Wat Ratchaburana, where most of Ayutthaya's major treasures were looted and then retrieved. With the misery deaths of the thieves, of course. 

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Pa Sak – Huay Tak, Lampang, Thailand – A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Pa Sak - Huay Tak UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Lampang of Thailand is now becoming a part of the soon-to-be-official Tham Pha Thai National Park with a massive area covering 5 districts including Ngao, Mueang, Chae Hom, Mae Mo, and Wang Nuea of Lampang. This is a place one can find the world's best varieties of teak trees preserved and grown into their full glories. Those into natural attractions will have a field day chasing waterfalls, exploring caves, and being amazed by prehistoric paintings.

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