The Sole Meunière of Pranburi – Deep-Fried ‘Pla Lin Ma’ With Fish Sauce | ปลาลิ้นหมาทอดน้ำปลา

We can really measure the trends of the foods throughout the different phrases of our time. Here comes the period of Pla Lin Ma (Soleidae), a once for-nothing fish caught up along the shores, that is now gaining recognition among eaters, me included, who love their delicate cottony flesh and crispy to crunch bones. Yumm!

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ธนาคารปู บ้านปลา ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ | Crab Bank + Fish Habitat in Prachuab Khiri khan

(⬇︎ ภาษาไทย ⬇︎) Local fishermen in Thailand are fighting a losing game against the deterioration of marine ecology caused by destructive fishing equipment and over fishery. In this video, we interviewed two fishermen in Prachuab Kirikhan province. One heads the community’s blue swimming crab cooperative that plays an important role sustaining and increasing the crab populations in the area. Another is a young fisherman who, with his peers, is trying to revive the Sam Roi Yod bay area by building artificial fish habitat as a way to help bringing back the natural ecology. As consumers, we all can help by spreading words...

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